Sunday, April 13, 2014

Game Design: Body Shop

About:                                                                                              My Role:                                                What I learned:
Body Shop is a  game that gives the player the experience            Creative Director                                   Sometimes a game sounds really good
of being a head that can attach and detach limbs at will.                2D Artist                                                on paper, but it's still important to
Constantly adjustable character creation allows the player                                                                          experiment in the early stages of design
to use different combinations of limbs to solve puzzles,
navigating the differing demands of the environment.
Play takes place on the spaceship Corbits, a once luxurious
colonization vessel that's been attacked by Igor the Particular,
self proclaimed evil genius, who delights in using his
robotic minions to run experiments on the survivors.

Lighting Concepts
Illustrated Environmental Asset Sheet
A Mocked-Up section of the game
Level Layouts
 Guidelines for Robot's Personalities and Movement, and Limb Attachment and Detachment
Early Concepts for the background of the ship, and robots

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