Sunday, April 6, 2014

Game Design: PAINting

About:                                                                                                                  My Role:                                    What I learned:
In PAINting you play as a starving artist who is lacking the inspiration                 Solo Project                                  Game maker
needed to finish your masterpiece. On day, you are attacked by a                                                                             Illustrator
mugger, struggle kill him in self-defense. When this happens the player
feels the spark of inspiration that’s been lacking for so long. Naturally,
in order to collect more inspiration, it becomes necessary to hack and
slash the townsfolk of London, while avoiding those pesky law-enforcing
bobbies. As the death toll rises, the world begins to shift, devolving into
an increasingly abstract version of itself. At the end of the game,
the ultimate sacrifice must be made in the name of art.
(Remember, you can’t spell “painting” without “pain”.)

The devolving of the world, from most complex to least.

The devolving people of the world.

Different end states of the game
The pesky bobbies, and the inciting mugger

The game also included a bonus level

One of the features of the game which needed to be more obvious was that you could get the townsfolk to follow you. Depending on the person, and the number of kills, they'd say something different when activated.

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