Sunday, April 13, 2014

Concept Art: Zog

About:                                               My Role:                                What I learned:
Zog is a 3D action beat-em up          Environmental                          Modularity
starring Zog the broken down           Concept Artist                           Dynamics of working
one arm robot, whose arm can          Poster Artist                             on a large team
stretch and extend. You play
as Zog trying to escape a
post-war, human
controlled robot factory. As
the robot, you are thrown into
combat with human soldiers
which you can beat down with
your metal body. At it’s core,
this game is an attempt at
building a ‘triple A’ polished
demo, with a team of 20 people.

Color Study
Screenshots of the final game
(Credit for which goes largely to the 3D artists on the team, I only helped with the design on this project.)

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